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IT Project Management - DONE! (Almost)

 I FINALLY submitted my last portion for my Project Management course. Assuming it doesn't get kicked back for missing anything, I'm done and can move on! My wife had an ultrasound appointment on Friday and between being there for that and the changes we've made around the house to prepare for our son to be born, it has really settled in mentally that he is on his way! This realization has really given me a wake up call to get this degree done, starting with Project Management which I've dragged on for so long. The best thing about Western Governors University (WGU) is that it is self-paced. I knew when I started this term that I intended for it to be my only term needed for this degree and that I would finish this in 1 term. I know even still that I CAN do it after these delays and only 4 months left. It's a matter of will. Because of this wake up call, I have continued studying after finishing Project Management tonight and scheduled my final for my next class aft

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